PUSH by Sapphire was the book selected for the second annual WWW: A Literary Journey event. With a new movie " Precious", the book has become one of the most discussed for the end of this 2009 year. Though is may look like an easy read with about 350 pages, it is not. Its graphic content about the life of an obese and abused sixteen year old named "Precious" turns your stomach and make it difficult to read.
The event was hosted by WWW's Creator Shannae Ingleton and her welcoming team. Shannae is the owner and founder of What Women Want that along with an blog, hosts exceptional events for women.Shannae's success has caused her to expand and develop what I like to call the "WWW Community".When describing her own life journey and the development of WWW Shannae stated these words," I created an opportunity for myself". I immediately tweeted that quote. It really reminded me that you can do anything and accomplish everything when you use your two hands and begin to build.
Shannae Ingleton of What Women Want
I was honoured to be amoungst some of Toronto's most accomplished and intelligent women. Athlete and Fitness Gurue Robyn Baldwin and Tonya Facey of What's On My Plate were my tablemates and it was great to enjoy the evening with them. The dialogue was intense but ended with words from Dr. Roz who is the founder of Dr. Roz's Healing Place which is a shelter that provides aid for women like Precious.
I could go on and on about the memorable moments from the event.Instead I will encourage you to come out to the next one and experience it for yourself.
With A Smile
Aquila of Church Dress
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